Tribute to Departing CA Board Chair John Coyne

Posted Date: 29-September-2021

John CoyneAs previously announced in an update to CA members, Board Chair John Coyne recently left Unilever Canada and, as a consequence of his departure from our industry, submitted his resignation as Chair and as a member of our Board of Directors.

John has been one of our longest serving Directors having joined the Board in 2006 and then the Executive Committee in 2008.  He served as Chair from 2011-2015 and again from 2019 to the present.  In addition to the Association, John has been and remains a dedicated supporter of the work of our industry’s foundation, Look Good Feel Better, where he has also been a Director since 2008 and Chair from 2016-2019 during which he oversaw the administrative separation of the two organizations. We understand that he will be continuing as a Director of Look Good Feel Better.

As a long-time leader in our industry and association, John has been instrumental in inspiring, encouraging and supporting the evolution and growth of Cosmetics Alliance as our industry’s voice.  With his vision and political acumen, John has made an important contribution to our success in advancing industry priorities such as the Self-Care Framework as well as encouraging CA to play a role internationally within our industry and among government regulators.  As a result, CA is a key contributor to the International Cooperation of Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR), the International Association Collaboration (IAC), developments in chemicals regulation and sustainability, and the negotiation of various trade agreements including the recent Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).

John will be missed by the CA team and our Board of Directors, and we thank him for his many years of dedicated and visionary service!