Breaking News on China GMP Certificates (For Animal Testing Exemption) – Possible Breakthrough on the Horizon

Posted Date: 27-October-2021

As CA members are aware, China recently included in their regulatory modernization an exemption to their animal testing requirements for imported “non-special cosmetics”. This exemption requires the provision of a government issued GMP certificate. As almost no government regulators issues such a certificate, it has been a real problem for exporters to secure a “government issued” certificate the Chinese authorities will accept.

Although CA has been working with Health Canada and Global Affairs Canada to develop such a certificate, CA was recently advised that a “certificate” issued by the Quebec Ministry of Economy and Innovation was accepted by Chinese authorities. Consequently, CA has requested that the Ontario Government issue a similarly worded certificate for cosmetics manufactured in Ontario for export to China.

We are please to report that the Hon. Vic Fedeli, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, has agreed to work with CA on this request and has assigned Camille Jones-Bulla, Manager of the Business Relief Unit in the Investment Service Branch to work out the details. We are please to report that we were advised yesterday, October 27th, that the matter is being addressed as a priority and we should have an update by early next week.

CA will advise our members of the details once we are provided with the information. Should any members manufacturing cosmetic products in Quebec for export to China require further information of the Quebec government certificate, please contact:

Deb Kwinter
CA Export Certificates Program
Cell: 905-580-1400anba

Should your company be manufacturing cosmetics in ANY OTHER PROVINCE for export to China, and also wish such a certificate from that Province, please advise Deb Kwinter and we will immediately contact the appropriate officials in that province.

In the meantime, CA will continue to work with Health Canada to secure an appropriate national certificate from the federal regulator of these products.