Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban – Work Continues with Allied Stakeholders

Posted Date: 24-November-2021

CA continues to work with allied stakeholders (Cruelty-Free International, Humane Society International, Animal Alliance of Canada, and their Retail partners) to develop a workable cosmetic animal testing ban in Canada that aligns with the E.U. ban. As CA members are well aware, animal testing to support the sale of cosmetics is virtually non-existent in Canada. Nonetheless, the passage of a ban in Canada would finally put the issue to rest as some advocacy groups continue to attack cosmetics and use our industry as a “wedge” to advance their broader animal welfare objectives.
With the new Parliament now underway, it is a prime time to advance government-initiated amendments to the Food & Drugs Act. CA and our allied stakeholder group have begun outreach to the new Health Minister and strategic MP’s (see joint stakeholder letter HERE).
Importantly, we are advocating for the necessary legislative and regulatory changes to be included in Health Canada’s Self-Care Framework to ensure consistency among all self-care products and to avoid unintended consequences.
CA will continue to keep members updated on developments. If you have any question, please contact Susan Nieuwhof.