CA Responds to HSI Global ‘Save Ralph’ Campaign; Work Continues to Develop Cosmetic Animal Testing Legislation in Canada

Posted Date: 21-April-2021

Humane Society International (HSI) recently launched its global #SaveRalph campaign as part of the international effort to ban the use of animal testing on cosmetic products in all jurisdictions around the world. HSI is one of several organizations that have been undertaking such efforts and have been joined by many cosmetics companies and their industry associations, including Cosmetics Alliance Canada.

In the campaign, HSI acknowledges that “most major beauty brands haven’t animal-tested in years (or even decades), and the practice is now banned in 40 nations”.  The call-to-action is focused on regulators needing to change laws.  However, our industry’s products are called out including reference to the Draize eye test that has NOT been used for decades. CA hasn’t seen any significant media traction to date nor received any inquiries.  We have, however, posted a statement on our website which provides helpful background on the issue, legislation status in Canada, and the development of alternative methods.

CA continues to work with “animal testing ban” advocates (Cruelty-Free International, Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance of Canada, and their Retail partners) to develop cosmetic animal testing legislation in Canada that is workable for industry and aligns with the principles of the animal testing ban in the E.U. As CA members are well aware, animal testing to support the sale of cosmetics is virtually non-existent in Canada. Nonetheless, the passage of a workable bill in Canada would finally put the issue to rest as some advocacy groups continue to attack cosmetics and use our industry as a “wedge” to advance their broader animal welfare objectives.