
Quebec Government Proposes Changes to Provincial French Language Law – Strengthens Investigative and Enforcement Powers, Increases Fines

On May 13, 2021, the Quebec government introduced Bill 96 – An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec (the “Bill”). The Bill proposes significant amendments to the Charter of the French Language (the “Charter”), and among other things, strengthens provisions governing the use of French as the language of business and […]

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New Director-General at NNHPD -Natalie Page takes over from Manon Bombardier

Health Canada’s Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) has announced the appointment of Natalie Page as the new Director-General. Ms. Page replaces Dr. Robin Churchill who has been acting in the position after long serving DG Manon Bombardier was seconded as a special advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister last fall. Ms. Bombardier served […]

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Prime Minister Announces Cabinet Changes

Francois-Philippe Champagne Replaces Navdeep Bains At Innovation, Science & Industry Prime Minister Trudeau recently announced changes in the federal cabinet following the resignation of long-serving Minster of Innovation, Science & Technology Minister Navdeep Bains. The changes included: • Veteran MP and former astronaut Marc Garneau moves from Transport to Foreign Affairs • Current Foreign Affairs […]

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PM Announces Partnerships with Canadian Industry to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health Canada Announces Compliance Monitoring Project (CMP) for Natural Health Product – Ethanol Based Hand Sanitizers

The Government of Canada is helping bring together industry partners through the Hand Sanitizer Manufacturing Exchange established by Cosmetics Alliance Canada, the Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association, and Spirits Canada. Together they are working to facilitate the supply of key ingredients and to maximize the domestic production of hand sanitizers. News releases: Backgrounders: […]

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UPDATED Cover Letters for use under the Interim Expedited Licensing Approach for the Production and Distribution of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers: updated: Cover Letter for Interim Approach to Hand Sanitizers_import updated: Lettre explicative pour approche provisoire pour les nettoyants antiseptiques_import   Hard-surface disinfectants and hand sanitizers (COVID-19): Information for manufacturers Désinfectants pour surfaces dures et désinfectants pour les mains (COVID-19) […]

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Prime Minister Shuffles Cabinet

New Ministers in Health, Environment and Foreign Affairs Prime Minister Trudeau has undertaken a significant shuffle of his cabinet following October’s federal election. Of specific interest to our industry, we now have new Ministers in the key portfolios of Health, Environment & Climate Change, and Foreign Affairs. Mary Ng, who was first elected to Parliament in a […]

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Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Steps Down

  David MacNaughton, Canada’s Ambassador to the U.S., will leave the job at the end of the August, it was announced today by the Prime Minister’s Office in Ottawa.   MacNaugton, who has represented Canada in Washington during the tumultuous NAFTA negotiations and negotiations to end the U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs against Canada, was […]

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ICCR Delegates Briefed on Cosmetic Ingredients Derived from Endangered Sharks

Brian and Sandra Stewart of the Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation provided the ICCR Steering Committee, Government, Industry and other stakeholders with an overview of the amazing work of their late son Rob Stewart (1979-2017), an award-winning biologist, photographer, conservationist, author and filmmaker, to save sharks that are on the brink of extinction. Rob was unfortunately […]

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Canada Hosts World Cosmetic Regulators at ICCR-13 in Montreal

Hosted by Health Canada and Cosmetics Alliance Canada, the International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (or “ICCR”), held its 13th annual session in Montreal, Canada from July 9th to 12th. ICCR is an initiative of cosmetic regulators from around the world and works to coordinate and align the regulation of cosmetics on an international basis. The […]

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