Industry News

Industry Moves to Eliminate Shark-Derived Squalene – CA Launches Working Group to Scope Certification Program

Long time CA members Brian and Sandy Stewart of Tribute Entertainment are partnering in their campaign to eliminate the use of shark-derived squalene in cosmetics with Cosmetics Alliance. Their efforts are inspired by the work of their late son, internationally acclaimed film maker and conservationist Rob Stewart, whose work to preserve our planet’s endangered shark […]

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Prime Minister Announces Cabinet Changes

Francois-Philippe Champagne Replaces Navdeep Bains At Innovation, Science & Industry Prime Minister Trudeau recently announced changes in the federal cabinet following the resignation of long-serving Minster of Innovation, Science & Technology Minister Navdeep Bains. The changes included: • Veteran MP and former astronaut Marc Garneau moves from Transport to Foreign Affairs • Current Foreign Affairs […]

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Pandemic in Second Wave – No Time to Let Up on Safety in Retail; Maintaining Safe Practices Critical to Reducing Spread


As coronavirus infections are again on the upswing across Canada, health officials warn that this second wave will be more widespread than the first. This re-enforces the need for a continued commitment and vigilance in reducing the risk to our customers and employess in the “in-person” cosmetics retail setting. Consequently, it is timely to re-enforce […]

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CA Announces Big Changes to Awards Programs

Beauty Awards & COSAs to Merge into new Beauty’s Best Awards for Fall 2021! Last Stand-Alone COSA’s to be Held Virtually on November 12th Like with so many other things, Covid-19 is causing us to re-think what we do and how we do it and to advance many things that we were beginning to think […]

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Developing Safety Guidance for Re-Opening Cosmetic Retail

As governments and public health officials contemplate the safe re-opening of retail business, CA has taken the initiative to develop industry guidance and best-practices on how this can best be done to protect the safety of your staff and customers. The intent of this effort is to assist public health officials in understanding and addressing […]

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Canadian Beauty Awards Trend #1 on Twitter! Media Coverage of Winners to Exceed 5 Million Impressions

This year’s Canadian Beauty Awards, held on May 7th, were an unprecedented success! The Awards, co-hosted by internationally known beauty blogger Dave Lackie and CA’s own Jim Hicks, were delivered via an innovative live webcast this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Team “re-invented” the Awards format, providing an interactive virtual experience with the […]

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Proper Use of Disinfectants

Update on End of Year 2021 Submission for OTCs and Disinfectants

April 24, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – The Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association (CCSPA) issued the following statement in response to unusual speculation about the use of disinfectants in or on one’s body: Disinfectants are meant to kill germs or viruses on hard surfaces. Under no circumstances should they ever be used on one’s skin, […]

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Over 1 Million Litres of Alcohol per Month for Hand-Sanitizers Committed by Canada’s Distillers

  Ottawa & Toronto – April 24, 2020 – Today, the Hand-Sanitizers Manufacturing Exchange is pleased to announce that over one million litres of high-grade alcohol per month has been committed by Canada’s largest distillers. Through our Exchange, this alcohol has been matched with various manufacturers of hand-sanitizers across the country. To put this volume […]

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