Prime Minister Announces New Cabinet – New Ministers in Key Portfolios for Our Industry

Posted Date: 27-October-2021

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made major changes in his cabinet following the re-election of his minority government in last month’s federal election. Several of these changes are significant for our industry. These include:

New Minister of Health – Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

Jean-Yves Duclos who has been appointed the new Minister of Health and will be overseeing the completion and implementation of the Self-Care Framework (SCF). He replaces Patty Hajdu who moves to Indigenous Services after what must have been an exhausting two years in dealing with the COVID pandemic.

Minister Duclos, who has represented the Quebec city riding of Quebec since 2015, has previously served as President of the Treasury Board where he has had a key role in regulatory reform initiatives across government and so should already have some familiarity with Health Canada’s SCF initiative. Additionally, our new Health Minister has a professional background in economics, having been a Director of the Department of Economics and a tenured professor at the University of Laval. He has also served as President-elect of the Canadian Economics Association and was a Fellow-in-residence at the C.D. Howe Institute. For his extensive research activity, in 2014 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the highest accolade bestowed on Canadian Researchers.

Minister Duclos’s background in economics, and keen interest in public policy, will be one of the first times in which we have a Health Minister who should understand and appreciate the need to have effective and efficient product regulations which bodes well for Health Canada’s efforts on completing and implementing the Self-Care Framework. CA is looking forward to meeting with our new Minister in the days ahead.

New Minster of Environment and Climate Change – Hon. Steven Guilbeault

Montreal M.P. Steven Guilbeault has been appointed the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change replacing British Columbia M.P. Jonathon Wilkinson who has moved to Natural Resources.

The new Environment Minister will be responsible for steering the significant modernization of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) through the next Parliament. The legislation which was introduced by Minister Wilkinson in the last Parliament, died on the order paper with the call of the election. The proposed bill was well received by stakeholders generally, including industry and CA members, and it is expected that the bill will be re-introduced in its current form when the new Parliament opens before the end of the year.

Although Minister Guilbeault is a well known environmentalist having co-founded Equiterre, the largest environmental organization in Quebec, and having been a Director and Campaign Manager for Greenpeace, we understand that he also prides himself in being a pragmatist who “works to make a difference by building bridges and relationships”. CA is looking forward to meeting with our new Environment Minister and working cooperatively with him to secure passage of the Government’s CEPA modernization.

It should also be noted that Minster’s Guilbeault’s constituency of Laurier-Sainte Marie in downtown Montreal was previously the constituency of long-time Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe.

New Minister for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario – Hon. Dr. Helena Jaczek

Markham-Stouffville M.P. Dr. Helena Jaczek has joined the cabinet with responsibility for federal economic development in southern Ontario. Dr, Jaczek, who is a physician and once served as a Medical officer of Health in York Region northeast of Toronto, was a long serving member of the Ontario Legislature and former provincial Minister including having served as Ontario’s Minister of Health. With her long service representing the Markham-Stouffville community at both the provincial and federal levels, she is very familiar with the significant economic and manufacturing presence of our industry in the Markham region. Her role in this economic portfolio is an excellent fit for assisting in the advancement of the Self-Care Framework and CA is looking forward to meeting with her to seek her advice and assistance.

International Trade Minister Remains – Hon. Mary Ng

In addition to these new appointments that are important to our industry, CA is also pleased that Markham-Thornhill M.P. Mary Ng with remain in the important portfolio of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development. Minister Ng and her staff are very aware of our industry and its importance to Canadian manufacturing and exports. She has been a regular visitor to many of our member companies located in her constituency and the Markham region. She is also been helpful in working with Health Canada on the GMP Certificates for China to secure the animal testing exemption. CA looks forward to our continued productive relationship with the Minister and her office.